Hello! 👋

I’m  Niv


Member of community that is powered by caffeine and loves to open source everything they build.

See Work


I am Nivedha, a self-taught Front-end developer based in Chennai, India.
I enjoy converting designs to beautiful and responsive web applications.

I’m hard working, passionate, committed, and a fast learner!

Interested in knowing what I have been working on? Take a ride to my portfolio.

My current stack of languages/technologies:
HTML5 - JavaScript - CSS3 - Sass - ReactJs - Redux Toolkit - Redux-Saga - Styled Components - Gatsby

Because resumes are old-fashioned:
You can checkout my LinkedIn page to get to know my detailed work experience.

Let's grab a coffee and talk to build something fun.

My Recent Work


I wanted to build a porfolio to showcase my skills, experience and show some of my work, rather than just type over a resume. This site is build using Gatsby due to it's several benefits. I was able to add multiple contents and use Gatsby’s internal GraphQL API to pull content into my templates. It also has Dark mode for the night owls.

React - Gatsby - Styled Components - GraphQL

Feed the Bunny

A maze game which uses Recursive backtracking algorithm to generate the maze. The UI is built using HTML canvas. You can simply use you arrow keys to move along the maze to feed the bunny.

JavaScript - HTML5

CRWN Clothing

An E-Commerce App built with React, using Firebase and Stripe API, deployed with Heroku. This was done as part of the course I took on Udemy - Complete React Developer in 2020 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL), to learn the advanced concepts in React.

React - Redux-Saga - Styled Component - Firebase

Daily news

It is a curative news app using material-ui that allows you to search for the required news, save the article to read later and display them separately and updates number of views.

React - Redux-Saga - material-ui

More on


Tips for Using React’s UseEffect Effectively

Dependency array, code optimization, useCallback, and more.

10 Jun 2020

4 Ways to Add External JavaScript Files in React

React Hooks and other methods.

6 April 2020

How to find unused npm packages?

Using Depcheck to analyze the dependencies in a project.

05 March 2020

Create Easy Page Decorations With CSS Gradients

Add beautiful gradients to your website or app

3 May 2020

Read more


Interested in working together? Let's have a talk:


Chennai, India